Stand up. Be heard.


"As a woman-owned boutique 3D printing bureau, NW Rapid Manufacturing has a compelling story. We know how to provide excellent service for our current customers, but were struggling with how to get our story told to a wider audience.

We brought Traci in for a half day workshop to put us on the path to a marketing plan. She gave us a roadmap: an introduction to marketing, first steps, best practices, tips and tricks. Traci was flexible enough to take the discussion where we needed it to go, without sacrificing the content that we needed to receive. Best of all, Traci’s passion for marketing got the executives excited about how much fun it can be to tell our story!

Within days, we implemented Traci’s quick start suggestions and watched our reach grow without any increase in spending.

Yes, she’s that good."

Chantelle Sims

Project Engineer

"Traci has a great mix of business acumen coupled with significant expertise in all aspects of marketing communication strategy & execution."

J. N.

Former Colleague
